Friday, November 20, 2009


  1. this is so so beautiful.

    and i started saying mouths over and over again after reading your comment... i started to laugh, it was quite the silly moment.

    what a hectic day it has been! i had a major deadline that put me under a lot of stress, but the storm has passed and i got my new lenses so i can see!!!!

    hope all is well on your end! and enjoy the weekend! and because you are american, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  2. i don't think it's weird at all!
    i actually think it's wonderful that you notice things like that, and not just that but actually taking the time to stop and observe what you say. more people should be like that!!

    i've always wanted to celebrate american thanksgiving, i think it's a lot bigger in the states than canada. but i agree - it is a wonderful time... ours is in october, so its at that point of the year when the leaves are still on the trees and it's kind of magical!!
